Rainbow Chinese Medicine,Acupuncture & Massage Centre
Acupuncture in Willoughby
88, 47 Neridah St. Chatswood. Willoughby, NSW, 2067.Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about Rainbow Chinese Medicine,Acupuncture & Massage Centre
Welcome In RCMAMC clinics, we believe that every visitor, and patients who have been received treatment, everyone should be capable to receive advantage of the marvelous therapeutic, stress relieving, disease free benefits of acupuncture, Chinese Medicine and massage therapies. If you have never visited RCMAMC clinic or have not been received a professional acupuncture, Chinese medicine or other treatment such as massage therapy. Because some of the diseases for Chinese medicine treatment are better, some for acupuncture is better and some for massage is better some combination of acupuncture and Chinese medicine or combination for acupuncture and massage are better. Traditional acupuncture is based on ancient Chinese theories of the flow of Bi (energy), also referred to as Chi and Que (blood) through distinct pathways or meridians which are energy channels of the body. It is extremely effective in treating musculoskeletal ailments and sport injuries. Back strain and general chronic or acute back pain. Stimulating these reflex points has a therapeutic effect in the corresponding part of the body. Reflexology is similar to a relaxation massage, and can facilitate relief for Sinus pain, menopausal symptoms, migraines, premenstrual syndrome and other menstrual irregularities, constipation, diarrhea, sciatica, asthma, back pain, neck pain and shoulder pain. The cupping therapy vacuum stimulates micro blood circulation to the local area, improving the flow of Bi and blood in the body, increasing local blood supply to the muscles and skin. It is the method maximum commonly used in Chinese medicine, and it old in treatment of back pain, shoulder joint and knee joints pain. By creating suction and negative pressure, massage cupping is impaired to drain additional fluids and toxins rouse the peripheral nervous system, bring blood flow to stagnant muscles and skin relaxes stiff muscle tissue and releases pain loosen adhesion, lift connective tissue and bullheaded knots in soft tissue. In fact, this is exactly how navel acupuncture is diverse to other forms of acupuncture. As a segment of Customary Chinese Medicine treatment, tuna uses the Chinese medical theory of the flow of Bi through the meridians as its basic therapeutic orientation. Stimulating blood circulation and regulating the ruffled system. Increasing flexibility in the joints and improving posture. Sports massage is designed to prevent and relieve injuries and conditions that are associated with exercise. Some benefits that sports massage has included: Improving heart rate and blood pressure. A relaxation massage is not as probing or specific as a remedial massage, but problem spots can calm be treated gently within the overall pattern of the massage. This will enhance the healing process and improves tissue health. Helping with the healing of scars as the toxins are removed at increased rates as a result of enhanced circulation and immunity. Relief of chronic pain, joint pain and arthritis. (1) Lymphatic massage has been used for years to enhance the quality of the skin. Repeated lymphatic massage whilst healing from a sports injury can help to enhance the tissue regeneration process by keeping the tissue as well as possible.
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